Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa


Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa

Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa

Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa

Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa

Biology Notes Amoeba proteus zoology topic of kingdom protozoa. Amoeba meaning to change.

Habit and habitat-

It is present in aquatic vegetation in fresh water. It requires substratum to glide on from one place to another.

It moves with the help of pseudopodia formed as a result of streaming flow of cytoplasm. Amoeba has greater power of regeneration.

Shape and size- 

Amoeba is unicellular organism which has outer covering called plasmalemma.

It has 2 polarity anterior end bears pseudopodia and posterior end bears wrinkled shaped uroid. 

Endoplasmic organelles

1. Nucleus - is single large flattened biconcave. The nucleoplasm present in inside with honey comb like lattice where chromatin granules present in inside in scattered way

2. Contractile vacuole- present in endoplasm, clear rounded and pulsating contractile vacuole- and mitochondria.

3. Food vacuoles- A number of spherical bodies present in endoplasm

 It helps in digestion when amoeba engulfs food with drop of water. 

4. Water globules - Spherical vacoules filled with water. 

5. Respiration - There is no. Of special respiratory system. The diffusion occur by the general body surface plasmalemma.

6. Behaviour - it involves the manner in which organism to environmental stimuli called taxis. It can be positive and negative. Positive means it will move towards the stimuli and negative then it will move away from stimuli.

The following responses are-

* Thermotaxis



* Chemotaxis


* Geotaxis

* Rheotaxis 

7. Reproduction - Amoeba reproduce asexually by binary fission, sporulation and multiple fission. 

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